Kammgarne und Streichgarne: Was ist der Unterschied?

Combed Yarns and Carded Yarns: What is the Difference?

Today, we will take a closer look at combed and carded yarns. We’ll discuss the manufacturing process, the properties of both yarn types, and how you can use them in your knitting projects.
Stricken mit Lamawolle: Eine Reise durch das Hochland von Argentinien und Bolivien auf den Spuren von Sayama

Knitting with Llama Wool: A Journey Through the Highlands of Argentina and Bolivia following the Trail of Sayama

Anyone who knows our blog is aware that Paul Pascuali offers not only beautiful yarns – for him, animal welfare and the fair treatment of everyone involved in the production process are always a pr...
Stricken verbindet

Knitting Connects

While knitting was dismissed as an old-fashioned hobby just a few years ago, it has recently enjoyed an impressive "renaissance." Knitting is not just a pleasant, creative pastime but also somethin...
Waschen und Spannen  – dein Strickstück in Form gebracht

Washing and Blocking - Shaping Your Knits

So, the final stitch is cast off, the ends have been woven in, and you're done! Wait, there's more to it...
Stricken mit handgefärbten Garnen

Knitting with Hand-Dyed Yarns

Working with hand-dyed yarns is a special experience. Not only do the colors, with all their nuances, gradients, and effects, set them apart from machine-dyed yarns, but the yarns themselves are of...
Natur oder Chemie? Gibt es ein „Besser oder Schlechter“ bei gefärbter Wolle? - Pascuali

Natural or Chemical Dyes? Is There a "Better or Worse" Way to Dye Yarns?

There is no doubt that most fibres that are processed into (knitting) yarns are already beautiful in their natural colours, be it the off-white of silk or cotton, or the different shades of animal ...
Nützliches Strickzubehör – vom Wollstrang bis zum fertigen Strickstück rundum versorgt - Pascuali

Useful Knitting Accessories - From the Strand of Yarn to the Finished Piece of Knitting

What does it take to knit? Yep, yarn and knitting needles, what a question! In fact, these are the basics without which it really doesn't work. And they are actually sufficient when it comes to th...
Stricknadeln – eine ziemlich vielfältige Gesellschaft - Pascuali

Knitting Needles - Quite a Diverse World!

Knitters all over the world talk and rave about them often enough! So, in this blog, we talk about the different types and materials from which needles are made of and clarify the question of when ...
Die Geschichte des Strickens – ein Buch ohne Anfang - Pascuali

The History of Knitting – A Book Without a Clear Beginning

If you look at the history of knitting, it quickly becomes clear that it has a lot of chapters - but the first ones are missing. There are only guesses about the "hour of birth" of knitting, about ...