Patentstricken – Next Level - Pascuali

Brioche Knitting – The Next Level

A little while ago, we published the first part on the subject of Brioche Knitting also known as English Rib Pattern. We introduced you to basic brioche, Fisherman´s Rib and Mock or Fake brioche a...
Patentmuster stricken – die Grundlagen - Pascuali

The Basics of Brioche Knitting

When it comes to the brioche stitch, opinions differ: It's often heard that brioche stitch is challenging. Different patterns? Basically, there are three different forms of brioche stitches: Full b...
Zuviel auf den Nadeln? Abnahmen beim Stricken - Pascuali

Too Many Stitches on the Needles? Knitting Decreases

In our last blog post, we introduced you to some of the most common increase techniques when knitting. Now, we will introduce you to decrease techniques when knitting. We will do our best to explai...
Darf’s ein bisschen mehr sein? Zunahmen beim Stricken - Pascuali

May it be a little bit more? Increases in knitting

In this and the following blog post we will introduce you to a few common methods and have also prepared lots of video tutorials for you. Let's start with the increases, we'll decrease next time!
Das A & O beim Stricken: Maschenanschlag und Abketten - Pascuali

Knitting Essentials: Casting on and Binding off

If you want to knit, you can't do without it: we're talking about the stitch cast-on. No matter what it's supposed to be, the stitches have to get on the needle somehow. Apart from a few constru...
Mützen stricken mit der Rundnadel (inkl. kostenloser Anleitung) - Pascuali

Knitting a Hat with Circular Needles (incl. free pattern)

There are a lot of knitted pieces that are naturally round and are knitted round. While you can easily knit large pieces with a circular needle, for small projects with few stitches, the only optio...